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Whether you just want something to help you get a job or create a side project that earns you some money, all of these APIs are valuable.

I'll be putting out a video soon with more in-depth project ideas so be sure to subscribe if you're interested in seeing that

  1. Shodan API You can think of Shodan as Google for every device connected to the internet. They crawl the web and catalog devices. You can sign up for a developer account and programmatically access their data and filter based on numerous factors. Some things people have found exposed and unsecured on Shodan:
  • A French hydroelectric plant control system
  • entire cities transportation grids
  • databases
  • industrial freezers with 10's of thousands of dollars in goods
  • car washes that can be remotely shut down

With Shodan you are really only limited by your imagination, just make sure you don't get yourself arrested.


If you think I forget any APIs let me know. Also I'd love to see people brainstorming cool ideas in the comments below.